Congolese Diaspora Impact Strategies, in collaboration with Kwafrika Travel Ltd brought five Congolese-American professionals spanning financial services, media, tech, law, and business to Kinshasa, DRC for a seven-day curated trip from November 22 to November 29, 2024.

The trip connected the group with changemakers, leaders, and entrepreneurs to learn about opportunities in sectors including:

  • Tourism
  • Agriculture, Food & Beverage
  • Real estate,
  • Tech and Financial Service
  • Arts and Culture

Highlights from Return to Congo:

Day 1: Arrival Day and Welcome Dinner

  • Return to Congo participants

Day 2: Friendsgiving Dinner in partnership with DIASPAT

  • CDIS organized a Friendsgiving dinner, in collaboration with DIASPAT, which fostered connections between Return to Congo participants and Congolese Diaspora professionals and local entrepreneurs. The dinner facilitated community building, exchanges on business opportunities in the DRC, and opportunities on business and philanthropic projects.

Day 3: Tourism Day 

  • The group visited Parc de la Vallée de la N’Sele, located 30 miles from the Kinshasa city center This nature reserve is reserve is well-known for its breathtaking views, biodiversity, and wildlife.

Day 4: Agriculture, Food & Beverage Day

  • The group met with entrepreneurs in the agribusiness and food and beverage sector, Lauren Mukashirwa-Noterman and Sivi Malukisa. Laurent Mukashirwa, alongside brother Frederic, is one of the co-founders of Jambo Jus, a Congolese-owned fruit juice company. Sivi Malukisa is the president of Manitech Congo, an agribusiness company producing natural fresh jams, jellies, peanut butter, sauces, and flour. Both companies’ products are 100 percent Congolese, sourced from Congolese farmers, and transformed by Congolese workers.

Day 5: Arts and Culture Day

  • The group explored Kinshasa’s vibrant culture and history, including the Académie des Beaux-Arts. The Académie des Beaux-Arts is only academy of fine arts in the DRC and a great place to discover the next generation of Congolese artists and Congolese art. As a result of this visit, participants gained a deeper appreciation for the DRC’s artistic and cultural legacy of the country.

Day 6: Real Estate Day

  • The group learned about real estate opportunities in the DRC. The group received presentations from Thierry Tubajika and Andjelo Cherty about their respective real estate projects in the country. Thierry Tubajika, founder of 243 Congo Enterprise, provided an overview of his company’s various real estate holdings, in addition to previewing opportunities for potential investments in his endeavors in Maluku. Mr. Andjelo also provided an overview of his planned real estate projects, Maluku Preserve City, which is focused on diaspora investment.

Day 7: Tech and Finance Day

  • The group met with a range of entrepreneurs at Silikin Village, an entrepreneurship and innovation hub established in the heart of Kinshasa. This hub serves as a catalyst for many start-ups and businesses in the DRC, where its main mission is on identifying talent and developing innovative products and services.

Key Takeaways from the Inaugural edition of Return to Congo:

  • The inaugural Return to Congo trip was a successful, fulfilling, and impactful trip for the program’s participants.
  • The trip illustrated the importance of Congolese Diaspora (and those interested in the Congo), who want to build businesses or philanthropic organizations in Congo, to come visit the country before starting those enterprises. Doing research and exploring the landscape in the DRC is key.

Interested in participating in future editions of Return to Congo?
Take this poll and tell us which city you’d like to explore!